Verse 22 refers to Abu
Bakr, the father of A-isha, and Mistah, his cousin. Abu
Bakr was given ample means by Allah. He used to support
Mistah, but after this incident (leaving Aisha behind by
mistake during the return from a defensive campaign.
Mistah helped spread a scandal) he withdrew his help.
According to the highest standards of Islamic ethics, as
said in this verse, a truly generous patron should not,
in personal anger, withdraw his support even from a
delinquent if he is in need. The general application
holds good for all time. Those who desire that Allah
should forgive their faults must be forgiving and
merciful in their dealings with men who have wronged
Example: People live next door to slums and poor
people in all big cities of the world - even here in
Seattle! We eat when our neighbors are hungry (violation
of the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w.) Why? If people
don't care about human rights or justice then they
explain this away to themselves. Yet the same person
will get angry about getting something less than their
neighbors even when that thing is free - e.g. tax
deduction (imagine if everyone got $10K and you got $9K)
[3] Third - the base - he talks about
human rights, dignity and
justice: both security
and development ultimately depend on respect for human
rights and the rule of law
Indeed, We sent Our
messengers with the clear signs, and We sent down with
them the Book and the Balance so that men might uphold
justice ... (57:25)
Example: Man asks Imam Ali (a.s.), which is
superior, justice or generosity? (Hikam
One might think its generosity since justice is
observance of one's rights to make sure they aren't
violated, whereas with generosity you are giving away
your right to benefit someone else. "Justice puts things
in their proper place and generosity diverts them from
their (natural) direction."
It may be compared to a body one of whose organs is
malfunctioning, and its other healthy organs and members
temporarily redirect their activity to the recovery of
the suffering organ. From the point of view of society,
it would be far more preferable if the society did not
possess such sick members at all.
"Justice is the general caretaker, whereas generosity is
a particular reliever" Also if justice is a rule it
benefits everyone - generosity cannot be relied on, and
if it were made a rule, it would no longer be
In conclusion for the first part, establishing Justice,
human rights and dignity are the core principles that
form the base of building the right Community. This is
why there is a strong emphasis on
Justice in the Quran.
- Mujtaba Khambatti,
April 12, 2007