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Mujtaba Khambatti
is a Senior Program Manager in the Bing Core Search team at Microsoft
Corporation. He received his PhD in Computer Science from
Arizona State University
(ASU) in 2003. His other degrees are a Masters from ASU in 2000, and a BE (Computer) from PICT, University of Pune (India) in 1999.
His work and research interests include
Operating Systems, Decentralized Systems, Social Networking, and Quality for mass-market software (e.g. reliability, feedback systems, security, servicing, performance).
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Publications and Presentations
(academic only)
Journal Papers
- M.S. Khambatti, K.D. Ryu and P. Dasgupta, “Efficient Discovery of Implicitly Formed Peer-to-Peer Communities”, International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks, 5(4), 2002, pp. 155-164.(invited)
- M. Khambatti, K.D. Ryu and P. Dasgupta, “Structuring Peer-to-Peer Networks using Interest-Based Communities”, Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing: First International Workshop, DBISP2P, Berlin, Germany, Aberer, Karl; Kalogeraki, Vana; Koubarakis, Manolis (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2944, 2004, pp. 48-63.(first published in DBISP2P Workshop)
Refereed Papers (Conference, Workshop, etc.)
- P. Li, M. Ni, S. Xue, J. Mullally, M. Garzia and M. Khambatti, “Reliability Assessment of Mass-Market Software: Insights from Windows Vista®”, 19th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Redmond, Washington, November 2008.
- M. Garzia, M. Khambatti and M. Ni, “Assessing End-User Reliability Prior To Product Ship”, Reliability Analysis of System Failure Data, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK, March 2007.
- M. Khambatti, P. Dasgupta and K.D. Ryu, “A Role-Based Trust Model for Peer-to-Peer Communities and Dynamic Coalitions”, Second IEEE International Information Assurance Workshop, Charlotte, NC, April 2004.
- M. Khambatti, K. Ryu and P. Dasgupta, “Structuring Peer-to-Peer Networks using Interest-Based Communities”, International Workshop On Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2PDBIS), Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, September 2003.(also published in LNCS)
- M.S. Khambatti, K.D. Ryu and P. Dasgupta, “Push-Pull Gossiping for Information Sharing in Peer-to-Peer Communities”, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2003, pp. 1393-1399.
- M. Khambatti, K.D.Ryu and P. Dasgupta, “Peer-to-Peer Communities: Formation and Discovery”, 14th IASTED Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS), Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 2002, pp. 166-173.(nominated for Best Paper)
- M. Khambatti, “Investigations in Peer-to-Peer Systems”, Workshop on Research in Computer Science by IEEE CS at ASU, March 2002.
- S. Zhang, M. Khambatti and P. Dasgupta, “Process Migration through Virtualization in a Computing Community”, 13th IASTED Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS), Anaheim, California, August 2001, pp. 497-504.(nominated for Best Paper)
Refereed Articles (Online Journals, Websites, etc.)
- K.
Nagaraja, S. Rollins, M. Khambatti, “Looking
Beyond the Legacy of Napster and Gnutella”, IEEE Distributed Systems Online,
vol. 7, no. 3, 2006, art. no. 0306-o3005.
- M. Khambatti, “Techniques for Peer Organization and Search in P2P Networks”, IEEE Distributed Systems Online (Operating Systems section), November 2003.
- M. Khambatti, “C# Compiler Switches”, MSDN Academic Alliance, November 2002.(invited)
Un-refereed Papers (Technical Reports, Articles, etc.)
- M. Khambatti, “P2P Systems: Finding a Needle in the haystack”, DevHood, October 2003.
- M. Khambatti, “C# Compiler Switches”, DevHood, November 2002.
- M. Khambatti, M. Kamath and T. Elangovan, “A Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Environment”, April 2002.
- M. Khambatti and S. Akkineni, “Location Management in Peer-to-Peer Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, April 2002.
- A. Brown, G.D. Klerk, T. Lant, D. Leedy, M. Khambatti, “Re-envisioning the Ph.D. at ASU”, April 2002. (Published as part of the report from ASU Graduate College for the Re-envisioning the Ph.D. initiative)
- M. Khambatti, “Named Pipes, Sockets and other IPC”, April 2001.
- H. Ananthpadmanabhan, C. Kale, M. Khambatti, Y. Jin, S. Usman, S. Zhang, “Cleanroom Software Development”, December 2000.
- M. Khambatti, “Analysis
of the JSP version of an ASP.NET application”, August 2000.
- G. Stylianou, J. Nottingham, L. Mahalingam, M. Khambatti, and S. Gnanaprakasam, “Analysis of Sliding Window Protocol over Multiple Hops for Fault-Tolerant Networks”, December 1999.
- M. Khambatti, “Mobile Agents: The next generation of Distributed Computing”, Technical Report, Pune Institute of Computer Technology, University of Pune (India), October 1998.
- PhD Dissertation: M. Khambatti, “Peer-to-Peer Communities: Architecture, Information and Trust Management”, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Arizona State University, December 2003.
- MCS Report: M. Khambatti, “Check-pointing Process Heaps and Cleaner API Interception for Process Migration”, CSE Department, ASU, December 2000.
- BE Report: S. Agrawal, M. Khambatti and M. Pai, “Programmer’s Interface for a Parallel Execution System”, PICT, University of Pune (India), April 1999. (Zipped PowerPoint presentation)
A Role-Based Trust Model for Peer-to-Peer Communities and Dynamic Coalitions, 2nd IWIA, Charlotte, NC, 2004.
Peer-to-Peer Communities: Architecture, Information and Trust Management, Ph.D. Dissertation Slides, December 10, 2003.
TCP/IP Programming, Class CSE 531 (Distributed Operating Systems), Fall 2003.
Structuring Peer-to-Peer Networks using Interest-Based Communities: DBISP2P 2003, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 2003.
Dynamic Coalitions of Peer-to-Peer Communities: DARPA DC PI Meeting 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2003.
The New Science of Networks, Class CSE 591 (Cryptography), Spring 2003.
Push-Pull Gossiping for Information Sharing in Peer-to-Peer Communities: PDPTA 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003.
P2P Communities: Formation & Discovery: 14th IASTED PDCS, Boston, Massachusetts, 2002.
Process Migration through Virtualization in a Computing Community: 13th IASTED PDCS, Anaheim, California, 2001.
Computing Communities Overview, Class CSE 531 (Distributed Operating Systems), Fall 2000. (along with Shu Zhang)
PIPES: Impetus and Concepts, PICT, Pune, India, 1999. (along with Sachin Agrawal and Mahindra Pai)